Thursday, October 24, 2013

Reading is my Passion (PB)

Everyone has a passion right? I mean it doesn’t have to be something you absolutely love; it can also be something you really hate. In this case it is something I love, reading. I know some of you think it’s lame to read and that people should be going out and doing fun stuff, but reading to me is fun. It is an escape for me, it’s like you become the character in the story that you get to know and fall in love with, and when they die or another amazing character dies you cry or feel very sad because they are gone. When I was reading the Vamp Chronicles, Darkness Falls by Christin Lovell, one of the most awesome characters died! It was horrible! I started reading avidly about two years ago when my mom got me a Sony Reader. I got a ton of books but I got easily bored. Then my mom got herself a Kindle Fire, but after I got ahold of it she almost never even saw it. After reading a couple of the books it's like I couldn't stop. When I start reading a book I can't put it down until I finish it. I have over 70 books on my Kindle Fire and I have read them all at least twice. My favorite book series is The Fallen Star Series, by Jessica Sorensen, I think it's awesome! I love to read more than anything, if someone tries to take away a book while I am reading it, I will freak out! This might seem weird but, when I'm reading a book I always read the ending first. Because I think that if the ending is awesome then the beginning must be great. Reading helps distract me from the real world and all its problems and mine. Instead of being forced to face reality and real life, I can focus on something that can never happen but seems so real. The good thing about books is that they always have a happy ending, see that's one thing I like about books. Life almost never has any happy endings but books almost always do.


  1. I like how you gave examples, and anecdotes. The one about your mom's kindle made me laugh. Your word choice was great and I liked the picture of the baby reading too.

  2. Good job. You added a lot of detail, and I think its cool how you read the ending first.
