Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Song From A Song (V)

This is called "Song From A Song" it is a Vlog about parodies. By: Samantha King & Jasmine Jaramillo! :)
Video Dialog

Pink is Sam King
Purple is Jasmine Jaramillo  
I'm pretty sure everyone knows what a parody is and if you don't let us explain to you what it is. 

A parody for those people who don't know, (if you don't then you must have been living under a rock for the last like 20 years) it's when people take songs and alters the words and meanings of the song and they post it online. A parody is meant to be funny, it is for your entertainment. The Google definition of Parody is, "an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect."

Now that you know what a parody is... Original 1   Story of My Life by One Direction has many interpretations on its meaning.  I believe that it means they are so in love with a girl that they want to ruin her so they can make her theirs.  Though this  may not be correct, this is only an interpretation.

 Parody 1    The parody linked to this is about 3 boys who keep tweeting One Direction but never get a reply. They are very sad and upset that none of the band members will reply or follow them on Twitter. The boys become obsessed with their electronic devices, waiting for at least one of them to do something to acknowledge that the boys exist on Twitter. These two video's are different because 1D is talking about being with a girl they care about that they want to ruin for any other guys, and the parody is about guys who are like obsessed with 1D and want them to follow them on Twitter but sadly they don't. In the parody the boys are pretty much heartbroken, but in the original version 1D wants their girl to be 'Broken inside.'
This is a good example of a parody since the meaning and words are completely altered.  It's amazing how if a person gets really creative they can change it so much.  Though some parodies only alter the meaning.  The original held a meaning of wanting to break someone, well the girl they loved.  The parody in way meant or gave a off the impression that the boys were breaking or getting hurt because One Direction didn't acknowledge them on Twitter.  The original described of bringing pain while the parody described having pain being brought upon them.

People usually choose songs that have a good beat and the words can be easily changed for a parody. Slow songs and rock songs are harder to make a parody for, so you usually never see one for those two genres in parody form.

This is usually because rock and/or slow songs have a specific meaning that can't and shouldn't really be changed.  Though people attempt to do parodies for these types of songs they usually fail. The reason for the failure is either because they can't alter the words to make them fit in with the beat or the video they made just didn't fit their parody.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Why Should Video Games Be Considered A Sport? SSR

Is it just me, or am I the only one who thinks video games shouldn't be a sport? Video games require no athletic ability, the very definition of Sport is an activity involving Physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. All video games supply is entertainment for those with nothing else to do. The only video game that would be considered a sport is Wii. Games like Mario Bros, Sonic, Halo, and Call Of Duty,
are not sports. The definition of Video Game is a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen. See, nowhere in there does it say anything about it being an athletic sport, or any sport.

Sports are soccer, football, basketball, baseball, track, snowboarding, skiing, volleyball, tennis, and a whole bunch more that I don't want to list. There have been countless debates on this topic because video games are a competition, yes I agree that it involves competition but it is like chess, it is a mind exerciser. Spending to much time on video games is just not healthy, whether you consider it a sport or not. You should try playing an hour of video games then go outside for an hour and play a game like basketball, then tell which one you think is a sport. I bet you will say basketball. Video games may be a fun hobby, but I think it should stay like that, a hobby.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Reading is my Passion (PB)

Everyone has a passion right? I mean it doesn’t have to be something you absolutely love; it can also be something you really hate. In this case it is something I love, reading. I know some of you think it’s lame to read and that people should be going out and doing fun stuff, but reading to me is fun. It is an escape for me, it’s like you become the character in the story that you get to know and fall in love with, and when they die or another amazing character dies you cry or feel very sad because they are gone. When I was reading the Vamp Chronicles, Darkness Falls by Christin Lovell, one of the most awesome characters died! It was horrible! I started reading avidly about two years ago when my mom got me a Sony Reader. I got a ton of books but I got easily bored. Then my mom got herself a Kindle Fire, but after I got ahold of it she almost never even saw it. After reading a couple of the books it's like I couldn't stop. When I start reading a book I can't put it down until I finish it. I have over 70 books on my Kindle Fire and I have read them all at least twice. My favorite book series is The Fallen Star Series, by Jessica Sorensen, I think it's awesome! I love to read more than anything, if someone tries to take away a book while I am reading it, I will freak out! This might seem weird but, when I'm reading a book I always read the ending first. Because I think that if the ending is awesome then the beginning must be great. Reading helps distract me from the real world and all its problems and mine. Instead of being forced to face reality and real life, I can focus on something that can never happen but seems so real. The good thing about books is that they always have a happy ending, see that's one thing I like about books. Life almost never has any happy endings but books almost always do.

Monday, October 7, 2013

"Wattpad" FC

You all know what apps are right? If you don't then you have probably been living under a rock since smart phones came out a while ago. A quick definition is a software you install in your phone for a certain purpose, its full name is an application. My favorite app is "Wattpad," this app is used for reading and writing. You can write stories on your account and you can read other peoples stories by adding them to your library. You can message or comment on a story you are reading or have read to ask questions or give your opinion on the story.The book format on "Wattpad" is in parts, and you can have as many parts to the story that you want .You can write about all kinds of generas such as teen fiction, vampire, romance, science fiction, fantasy, humor, paranormal, mystery/thriller, horror, adventure, historical fiction, fan fiction, poetry, short story, non teen fiction, chicklit, action, werewolf, spiritual, non fiction, classics, watty awards, and other. My favorite ones are teen fiction, vampire, romance, and werewolf. I have quite a few of those types of books. There are thousand of accounts on "Wattpad" and millions of books of all sorts. I found the app by accident last year. I was googling something for a friend, and when I clicked on the picture it took me to a story on the site that the picture was attached to. I looked around the site and decided I liked it so I got the app and immediately started adding books to my library. I know a lot of people who have the app or are on the site. Most of my friends have it and I got my sisters to get it to. I like this app a lot because I love to read and write stories and books.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

"The Very Hungry Caterpillar" CRR

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

What was your favorite picture book when you were young? We usually had a variety to choose from since our parents and grandparents bought us a ton of them. My personal favorite was and is "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." I like that one because my sisters read that to me a lot when I was younger, actually they read it and I looked at the pictures. It was written by Eric Carle in 1969, and was published by The World Publishing Company. This book won many children's literature awards and a major graphic design award. The real reason I like this book is because of the graphics, they are funny and cute. It is about a caterpillar who eats a lot of food before becoming a beautiful butterfly. A green baby caterpillar hatches from an egg, and from birth he experiences a large craving for food. He eats through lots of fruit on first days, one piece on the first, two on the second, and so on up to five, then starts to eat a larger variety of foods. Soon enough he overdoes it and nauseates himself. After he starts to feel better, he makes. a cocoon in which he remains for the following two weeks. Later, the caterpillar emerges as a bright, beautiful butterfly with big, gorgeous, colorful  wings. He ate one apple, two pears, three plums, four strawberries, five oranges, one piece of chocolate cake, one ice cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, one slice of watermelon, and one green leaf. I have had this book since before I could remember, it is the most memorable book I have. I did have a lot of picture books growing up, but my favorite was always "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."